Author: Peris Gachago

Over the past decade, the real estate sector in Kenya has become increasingly digital. Consumers are going online at a rapid pace to look for information to support their buying decisions. Nine out of ten home buyers today rely on the internet as one of their primary research sources. Additionally, 51 Percent of purchasers turn to the web as their first step in the buying process. In today’s complex, rapidly changing, and digitally driven media environment, capturing a buyer’s attention to build a real estate business is tougher than ever. Having a well-developed brand and strong online presence should be important to any real estate professional. This is where…

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In this article, we are going to discuss several types of brand strategies. We will also discuss why an effective brand strategy is essential for your company and what you offer to your target customers. This is much more than choosing the right color, your website setup, and also the management of your social media pages. All these involve a strategic approach that educates your target clients. According to my experience, I get to learn that different types of strategies work for different types of businesses in real estate. With so many branding strategies to choose from, it can be very challenging to find a…

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The Ardhisasa online system developed to ease land transactions has been with us for a few months. As with any new system, its usage comes with some challenges. As anticipated, land professionals, land owners and other users who have used the system have had mixed experiences with it. This ranges from registration, upgrading of the account, missing files among others. Quick read: Ultimate guide to understanding Ardhisasa While Ardhisasa is an excellent system which will put Kenya on a global scale in terms of land management, the challenge like the validity and completeness of data, stemming from decades of graft in the Ministry and improper storage of land records…

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Ardhisasa is an online platform that allows Citizens, other stakeholders and interested parties to interact with land information held and processes undertaken by Government. It has been developed jointly by the Ministry of Land and Physical Planning (MoLPP) and the National Land Commission (NLC) and key partners in Government. It allows the lodgment of applications for various services offered by the Ministry and the Commission. The applications are handled through the platform and responses presented through it. This National Land Information Management System (NLIMS), a digital land resource management platform aptly named Ardhisasa was lunched by the president Uhuru Kenyatta…

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Top 10 Most Important Questions to Ask When Buying Land in Kenya. Buying land in Kenya is something that most Kenyans look forward to doing, but there are some important questions you need to ask yourself before you buy any land. Investing in land is a major step that one needs to make so you should ask before buying a piece of land in Kenya. Below are some of the most important questions you need to ask. 1. How will you access the Land? Many buyers always assume that the Land sellers have clearly set out roads to access their property…

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Real estate investments usually take a bulk of people’s investment. For a customer to invest their life savings, the need to find a trusted real estate agent is more important than in other fields. As a real estate agent, this article will give you insights on how to build trust with your customers to get that all important deal. We shall go deep into these 12 key factors that help develop trust. 1. Quality communication 2. Good online profile 3. Trust with other agents 4. Offering top notch customer service 5. Connect and Communicate on Social Media 6. Providing Clear Videos and Authentic Photos 7. Build Integrity…

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Ardhisasa is a national land information management system developed by the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning in consultation with the National Lands Commission, County Governments and other stakeholders, for Kenyans by Kenyans. This platform enables the common mwananchi to access credible, reliable and efficient land and land-based services. You don’t want to miss: Other services Offered by Ardhisasa Digital Platform Some of these services can only be performed by a professional once they upgrade their accounts. The process of registration and navigation is, however, the same. Simple and straightforward guidelines on how to register and navigate through the system have…

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You can now pay your land rent on Ardhisasa using the itemised easy steps. You can now pay your land rent on Ardhisasa, at the comfort of your home or office. Follow the following easy steps to make your payment. Go to Register an account to begin transacting. If you are a registered user, simply log into your account and transact. Quick Guide: A Guide to Registering on Ardhisasa Go to Services on the website Under Land Administration, click on Land Rent Then click on Pay Land Rent Enter Title Number on the Search section using the following formats: Registration Unit/Registration Section/Parcel Number; For Nairobi Blocks: Nairobi/Block12/345 or Block No/Parcel Number…

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The recently launched a National Land Information Management System (NLIMS) commonly known as Ardhisasa on 27th of April, 2021 by the president, Uhuru Kenyatta was the culmination of effort to digitize existing cadastral maps and the corresponding ownership records in the country. It has been able to clearly delineate public from private land. The system has been made online where the two has been linked making it possible for the real time inquiries on the system. Quick Guide: A Guide to Registering on Ardhisasa Not all process on Ardhisasa can be initiated by a normal public account, therefore the platform provide…

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Land is a very important resource in our country. The issues of land have been very emotive because it has not been well managed. There has been fraud, manipulation and grabbing of government land by senior people in the government. The Ardhisasa has protected the government land from looters. The old manual had loopholes which fraudsters, impersonators and middlemen capitalized on to take bribe. Speaking on how effective Ardhisasa platform will stop fraud in land sector, Land cabinet secretary, Farida Karoney said she has confidence in the system. “We have built a very safe and secure platform with highly encrypted…

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