Author: Peris Gachago
Banking is one way that can help you grow your small business. However, you should find the right banks to help you in your time of need. Due to financial technology improvement, you can access your account in the comfort of your home or wherever you wish. That’s one good thing happening to our banking sector. This guide will teach you the best banks to help you and provide the best services. Factors to consider when choosing the best bank for small business in Kenya Now, I will guide you into choosing the best bank with good qualities to serve…
As a real estate investor, you want to profit from your investment. You’ll also need to know how long it will take to realise your returns on investment (ROI). Applying certain rules of thumb can help when determining whether a real estate investment is likely to be profitable. The 50% rule in real estate estimates that real estate investors should expect a property’s operating expenses to be roughly 50% of its gross rental or lease income. However, we don’t include mortgages in these expenses. Instead, expenses like property taxes, insurance, maintenance costs, capital expenditures, utilities, and property management costs. Therefore, if your monthly rental income is Ksh.…
In business, you have to know how to pitch your business. You might not be having plans to fund having a solid elevator but pitching ensures that you know your business pretty well. And this comes hand in hand when you eventually decide to seek out investments. How do you make a pitch to an investor? What we all need to know when talking of pitching is that whenever an entrepreneur wants to create a successful pitch you have to good business plan. From there you will be in a good position to identify what will make your business valuable…
What is a Thin Content? Most businesses are aware that content is one of the best ways of driving interest, appealing to shoppers, and even boosting search engine performances. When we talk of thin content, we mean content that has little or no value to the clients. This means that the content is automatically generated, unhelpful affiliate content, or content that has been stolen from other websites. Below are ways how to identify pages with thin content. But besides having thin content it is also allowed for some pages to be light on content know the difference. 1. Use web Crawlers to…
The world of creating or of making good and quality content is rapidly growing and there is a high competition rate all over the country. Working to achieve your best when making content can be difficult at times but when you realize your content is falling flat, try to avoid the following content marketing mistakes that people make so that you can have quality and legit content that gets the attention it deserves. 1. Failing to be the master of your content’s destiny There is a lot to be done when you want to shoot the best shot pertaining to your…
I would like to start by mentioning holistic SEO. One is not supposed to major in the content or the technical aspect of your site but you need to work on your user experience. One needs to know that to successfully optimize your website; you need to major on a good foundation of relevant research. SEO is comprised of little changes that will add up to substantial benefits and you need to be very smart and thoughtful while doing this. Below we are going to discuss the basic SEO mistakes, how to avoid them, and tips to solve them. 1. Forgetting…
What is Link Building? This is the process of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own. Link building is also a form of marketing strategies to different websites. The below description will explain wide enough on Link building as we now know the meaning and how it helps in different businesses. Why is it Important to have backlinks? These are links from one website to a page on another website. They are always valuable for search Engine Optimization which in short are known as (SEO). They help in signal in search engines that other websites confirm your content. What we…
Despite its many political and economic challenges, Kenya is still a great place to live and work. If you’re considering selling your house in Kenya, you should keep a few things in mind. However, things happen, and you may wish to sell your house. But the best thing you should do is to take it slow. Do not rush selling your house not unless you are relocating. However, you can still relocate and start an Airbnb business with your house if it’s in a tourist attraction site. Key Things to Consider When Selling a House in Kenya 1. You should…
You might start by asking yourself what a personal brand is? A personal brand refers to how you promote yourself. It is the expertise, experience and personality that you want people to see about you more so in the social media platforms. One needs to know that creating a personal brand and getting it recognized is a key to achieving your professional goals. Information that people will be making based on you will depend on the information they discover. The information will give a negative or positive impact depending on your capability or how you make people view you and…
Of course, you will need to grow your brand, if at all you are in real estate, to stay. Research shows that most people tend to trust established brands over unknown ones. That’s why you should try to establish your real estate brand identity. This post explains how you can build your real estate brand identity to establish a long-lasting relationship with your clients. Most established real estate brands in Kenya have followed the tips discussed to build their identity. So, keep reading to know everything to do. What is a Real Estate Brand Identity A brand identity is the…