Author: Peris Gachago

Real estate remains one of the most profitable ventures one can engage in. As an investor, buying real property is usually a sure way of making a healthy profit. As real estate is capital intensive, you want to make sure that you get maximum return on investment. While real estate is a relatively risk-free investment, there are several factors you must take into consideration when making a real estate investment: Supply and demand Economic environment Interest rates Government policies Societal and demographic factors Technology Environment Purchase conditions Supply and Demand Real estate markets can be classified as either a seller…

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Whether it’s the purchase of land or purchase of a house, good real estate agent will help you on various aspects from setting the right price, negotiating, conducting any searches needed, transferring title and can help you save time and money. Purchase or sale of real estate property will have a big impact on your life and finances and finding the right real estate agent to guide you through the is very important. Without knowledge of a good real estate agent, finding a good one can be as easy as finding a needle in a haystack. We have summarized tips…

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In today’s online world, your property photos are your first impression encourage a buyer to come see your listing in person. Its estimated that 77% of buyers start their search for property online. Additionally, buyers increasingly explain that viewing professional photos is extremely to their buying experience. This means a large determination of whether a customer will call you back is the photos and the price of your property. While no two properties are identical, there are common areas every listing should cover. Good photos are not only essential for online listing platforms, but they are key when developing flyers,…

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Investment in real estate is not just a mere investment, rather it is about all the accumulation of assets that can be appreciative, in terms of security and profits. Having noted that, it is a whole decision to invest in real estate industry in Kenya and this equits to the choice of the place you do it. Depending on your purpose of investment, it is easier to look for a prime part of investment or somewhere with ability to grow and be productive in your estimation of your future. As discussed in our previous blogs, location is paramount in the…

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Real estate business is one of the most profitable ventures available. Due to this, the real estate field has become very crowded with more people joining the industry. To come out on top, you have to be smarter and use as many marketing avenues as possible to get clients. The ability to find qualified buyers will always be important in any business. Wondering how to sell your property? We have summarized 15 ideas that will help you sell your property fast. 1. Master your niche. In an industry filled with a high level of mistrust, start by becoming an expert…

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Building a list of new real estate clients can be difficult for any new real estate agent. While technology has helped to modernize the real estate industry to some extent, it is still a very person-to-person business where you must build relationships and earn your clients’ trust in order to become well-known locally. There are some unconventional ways to get your message across and attract potential buyers and sellers. If you’re just getting started, here are points to consider if you want to find real estate clients. 1. Create a strong online presence 2. Go beyond the local market 3. Stay connected with your past clients. 4. Find your real estate niche…

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Land prices in Kenya have risen dramatically in recent years, with some prime areas reaching all-time highs of Ksh1 billion per acre. Given the growing population and demand for land to build residential and commercial properties, this trend is expected to continue for a few years. This article will assist you in determining where you can purchase land for residential development, agricultural development, or simply to purchase and save it for future use or sale, an investment in this case at most affordable price. We shall also be listing the cheapest places to buy land in Kenya. 1. Juja Farm. Juja Farm is in…

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Any real estate agent’s dream is to generate quality local leads and sales. They want to meet with eligible clients and increase their sales but how will they go about it? In today’s era majority of people who want to purchase a real estate property go online to do so. The best thing about Real estate SEO never rests, it ensures possible leads 24 hours a day, seven days a week, without the need to pay ads or make phone calls. What is Real Estate SEO? Real estate SEO (Search Engine Optimization) refers to website development content and strategies that make your content and website easily accessible online. These tactics turns your…

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Taxes can be complex. But rental income taxes do not need to be. Here, we break down what rental income is and how to make payment. First, rental income is in two forms: I. Income from a residential premise (Residential Rental Income Tax) II. Income from a commercial premise (Commercial Rental Income Tax) Tax on residential rental income is payable either monthly or annually depending on the amount payable. More on this later. Income from a commercial property is assessed annually and is payable at a rate of 30% for companies and a graduated scale for individuals. If you have income from…

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With property prices soaring, buying land, house or building commercial buildings on your own can be nearly impossible. Not only do you need to have deep pockets, you also need the time and energy to manage the entire process from beginning to end. If you assess most of the top companies, nearly all of them were formed when several people teaming up with to do bigger and better deals. But such partnerships are never easy. Commitment to work together is never something to be taken lightly. The team that you surround yourself with could easily make or break the potential…

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