- Size 40*80
We are excited to introduce Anmer estate. These plots are within an upcoming gated estate. If you plan to start building in a year or two, then this is just the property for you.
This is a residential neighborhood located less than 40 km kilometers from Nairobi. This means you can get from work to your home in less than an hour. 5 kilometers from Kirigiti From the plots to the tarmac is less than a kilometer.
All the plots in this estate have individual title deeds and are on red soil, which makes building your dream house much easier.
The plot is 40*80 in size.
The land is well-drained, Nice breeze, great views, and someplace quiet with fresh air
When at the plots, you overlook Migaa estate.
Neighboring estates Kiora and Matropy Estates where land is selling on average 2.5M. This further shows that these plots at 1.5 M is such a nice deal.
Water and electricity in the neighborhood for easy connection
The plots prices have an average of 1.5M depending on the location
% Interest
Total Payable
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